Setup Your Login
Logging into the T-bird Web Portal
The T-Bird Web Portal is the hub for online learning and student records. Through this portal you can access many features and settings which will be outlined in the video below.
It is very important to gain access to the T-Bird Portal as soon as possible, so that you can be successful at NMJC. If you are having trouble getting in, please contact the NMJC Help Desk at 575.492.2577.
Becoming Familiar with The Web Portal
Within the T-Bird Web Portal, you will find many valuable tools and resources. These tools are set up in "tiles" for students to easily access.
- Canvas: This is your hub for online courses. Many courses that are in-person will also utilize Canvas for assignment submission, quizzes, and discussion boards. It is recommended that you check Canvas at least once a day.
- Email: You can access your NMJC email account through this "tile". Each student is given an email account with NMJC. Professors will communicate to you through this email as well as any official NMJC news or events. You can also link this email account to your phone! If you need assistance with that process, please contact Computer Services at 575.492.2500.
- Student Self-Service Banner 9: You can access much of your student information through this "tile". From student schedules to unofficial academic transcripts, this section has so much to offer. It is suggested that you spend some time exploring Self-Service Banner.