200 Students from C-TECH and Highland AVID programs visit NMJC

200 Students from C-TECH and Highland AVID programs visit NMJC

By Brittney Garcia


New Mexico Junior College (NMJC) recently welcomed nearly 200 students from the Career and Technical Education Center Hobbs (CTECH) and Highland Middle School to showcase the innovative opportunities of continuing their education. Both groups toured NMJC On Thursday, Nov. 9.  CTECH’s tour had an emphasis of NMJC’s Ford Asset Program and Automotive courses, while seventh graders participating in Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) at Highland Middle School explored what NMJC has to offer. This remarkable convergence of young minds marks a significant step in fostering early interest among the next generation.

The visit, coordinated to inspire and educate, allowed students to immerse themselves in the hands-on learning environment of NMJC. "We are glad to have this opportunity to work hand and hand to collaborate with CTECH and help the young people of Hobbs transition to the workforce,” said the automotive instructors at NMJC. "We really look forward to guiding the young men and women in continuing their education."

The day was packed with interactive sessions, demonstrations by expert instructors, and tours of the college's cosmetology, Pannell Library, Caster Activity Center and more. The seventh-grade students from Highland were given the chance to explore NMJC’s programs and facilities while also having the chance to ask any questions pertaining to higher education.

"Our goal is to ignite a passion for learning and innovation," added Brittney Garcia, NMJC Recruiter. "Seeing these students' eyes light up as they explore our facilities and meet our educators is truly rewarding."

The visit also included discussions on career pathways in the automotive industry, emphasizing the importance of technical skills in the evolving job market. NMJC's partnership with Ford in the (Automotive Student Service Educational Training (ASSET) Program highlights the college's dedication to providing industry-relevant education and training.

CTECH students

Highland Middle School students