Jeff Becker

Jeffery Becker
Head Coach- Cross Country/Half Marathon
(575) 492-2743
Office Hours:
Monday: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM; 1:00 PM-02:00 PM
Wednesday: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM; 1:00 PM-02:00 PM
Caster Activity Center Room 116
AA., Colby Community College (1996)
BS., Fort Hays State University (1999)
MS., Fort Hays State University (2001)
Coach Jeff Becker works with the Middle Distance and Long Distance athletes here at
NMJC. He is also the cross country coach. Becker received his education from Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas. He
received a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education (1999) and a Master's degree in
exercise science (2001). Becker is also a USATF Level 1 certified coach. Becker started his coaching career as a student assistant coach at FHSU while working
on his Master's degree. After graduating he took an assistant coaching job at Highland
Community College (KS) for one year. After his year at HCC he took the head coaching
job at Colby Community College (KS), a position he held for five years. Becker then
worked his first three years at NMJC and then three years as the head coach at Butler
Community College (KS). In the fall of 2013 the great support and great people of
NMJC brought Becker back to his current position.